Sunday, November 24, 2013

I guess I'm starting a blog...

I've talked about writing a blog since I knew they existed, yet it's taken me until the end of 2013 to actually do it. Why? I suspect laziness is probably a major factor, but I think I've never felt confident that anyone really cares what I have to say. We'll see if I'm right.

I was encouraged by a friend to do this... a friend who I am getting to know a great deal, through reading his blog. It's offered me a perspective into his life that I otherwise wouldn't have. At present, I think every blog post he has written is from before we met. His stories are deep, humorous and entertaining, as well as inspiring. Normally I would only have limited glimpses into those experiences, whenever he had cause to tell me about them, but because of his blog, I can read about them as if they occurred yesterday. How lucky am I?

So here I am... starting a blog. What have I got to say? My experiences as a mom of a little girl, a residential and commercial cleaner, a tattoo addict, former mechanic trainee and amateur writer and artist certainly give me plenty of material. I suppose it's time to start digging through my thoughts and articulating them into something worth reading. I'm not sure who will read this, but I suppose it doesn't matter. The art of putting the words together is therapy for me.

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