Monday, November 25, 2013

Blowing the dust off.

I was just discussing with a friend  how most of what I've written lately has been in the form of eulogies. It's sort of a bittersweet predicament to be in. The honor and appreciation I feel having known someone well enough to write about who they are and the life they lead, is a privilege. Losing that someone... well, that just sucks balls.

So anyway, that got me thinking about my writing (or lack thereof). I realized that I have some oldies that I could blow the dust off of and share, so here you go. I might even throw a eulogy in here at some point. 

This is a poem I wrote in 2006. It's scarily still quite relevant.

No Back-Up Plan

When love is lost to confusion
Resentment takes its place
The harsh reality of stress
Scores a little girls face

The one she always looked up to
Becomes the source of her grief
The sun has set on that time
Leaving her no sense of relief

Destruction all around her
There is no refuge she may seek
Alone with her own struggles
Pain always claws at the meek

Vulnerable and innocent
Alone she enters into humanity
To find nothing but grief
To feed her growing insanity

A lifetime of struggle
Had so long ago began
But it’s now that she sees
She has no back-up plan

This piece was also written in 2006. I suspect my motivation at the time was a job in Human Resources that I had at a school bus and motor coach company. I won't mention any names, but the school bus portion of that company has since gone under. *quiet applause*

Sorrow Tomorrow

Everyday I waste myself
This energy of creation and rebirth
Is subdued for something that returns nothing
No satisfaction, no reaction, do it all again

And the next day, and the next

Looking for a couple days to rest
When I find myself again
Spend my time, rushing for pleasure
Healing the wounds that will be opened again


And the next day, and the next

Numb what is really inside
Serve for a faceless end to the means
That gives me the things, I have no time to enjoy
Because I choose to be a victim of


And the next day, and the next

Slave to a corporation
That doesn't know my name.
It owns my tomorrows
Because I trade. Them…for a check.

Okay, so this next one is making me blush, as I read it some 7 years after it was originally written. If I remember correctly, this was the prologue to the cheesy romance novel that I never quite got around to writing. It's probably a good thing that I never really started that book; however, it's clear that I still have a pretty active imagination for such things. ;-)


I pressed my face close against the frosted window pain; the warmth of my breath, leaving a cloud of condensation beneath my nose. As I gazed into the outside world that I had left for so long, I felt his arms wrap strongly around my middle. His excitement was obvious, against my plump, bare bottom. Soft brushes of his lips and a day-old beard caressed the nape of my neck and the tip of my shoulder. A slight nibble sent shivers down my bare back and I squirmed inside the shelter of his tightly wrapped arms, turning at once to face my captor.

Without hesitation he drew his head close to mine and planted his full wet lips upon my slightly agape mouth. A warm rush filled my blood as his enormous tongue forced its way into my mouth, claiming the space as his own. I responded in a similar language, returning the trust with my own tongue, feeling the intricacies of teeth and mouth. A large hand, then another, slid from my waist, down to the crest of my bottom, cupping it with playful force. One quick pull and I was balancing on his waist, wrapping my moist thighs around his middle; his bulging muscles, my only grip against a warm back, dripping with sweat.

He continued to kiss me with strength and passion as I slowly slid downward to my final resting place upon his manhood. The thick sensation filled me at once, as I prepared to make him my own.

Whooo! That was hot!

This last piece (for now) is one I'm particularly delighted to find. I had forgotten about it and it makes me smile. I'm still trying to figure out how I knew, 16 weeks into a pregnancy where I didn't find out the gender of my baby until birth, that I would have a daughter? Maybe I later edited this... Jury is still out.

The Poor Things…
(an edited excerpt from my MySpace blog – dated November 3, 2006)

I understand that there are things that happen in this world that I can do nothing to change...but does that mean I should let those things bother me any less?

There seems to be this "death alley" area on a local road near my home. Everyday I drive through "death alley" on my way to and from work and everyday it seems there is something else dead on the ground. The dead usually consist of the ever-popular road kill candidates, possums and raccoons...but lately there's been cats, deer, bunnies and even trees that have been cut down to make way for a subdivision or some extra power lines or some such "progress". 

I guess the dead cats bother me the most. I've been a cat lover my whole life and it saddens me to see these poor helpless animals smashed to bits on the road. Is there anything I can do, aside from not running them over myself? I'm afraid not. 

What bothers me maybe even more than the fact that these animals are being killed, is the fact that they remain on the road for days and days after their demise. Maybe the road kill clean-up crew was the first to go with the county budget cuts, but it would be nice if someone could remove the poor things from the least to spare the hearts of sensitive viewers such as myself.

I've often thought about what I'm going to tell my daughter someday when she asks me why dead animals are on the road in the first place and why no one picks them up and buries them in a nice cemetery somewhere. What do I say? Do I tell my child that animals' lives aren't as valuable as humans' lives and no one really cares about the dead raccoon that's been run over about 300 times, until all that's left is a streak of blackened road and a few tufts of fur?

Somehow I don't think I'll be able to desensitize her that way. But what will I say? How will I explain that the reason all these animals are running into the road in the first place is because we're destroying their homes to build condos and office buildings? All the noise and destruction from bulldozers and front-end loaders are scaring the poor animals away from their familiar habitat and into the path of speeding motorists. How do I explain this to my daughter without her wanting to just cry...cry for the animals?

Maybe I need to write a book about it. Does a children's book make a problem go away? No, but I guess it helps explain something to our children in a way that only a book with colorful pictures and characters can. So I guess that's the answer to my problem. Write a book about the things that piss me off and maybe then I'll feel better about it. 


And I file that one right next to that trashy romance novel I'm still writing in my head! :-D

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