Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Get out and shop... with turkey still stuck between your teeth!

I bet you thought this was going to be another one of those "Black-Friday-takes-over-Thankgiving" rants, right? Well, not exactly.

For the first time in many years, I'm actually not interested in Christmas shopping at all. Not even a little... which feels a bit strange. I view myself as a recovering (mild to moderate) shopaholic. First of all, I'm a female and for a good percentage of us, shopaholism runs in our DNA. Don't ask me how or why, because any argument I can come up with to support my theory sounds ridiculous. Just trust me on this one... girls love to shop.

The fact that I haven't been plotting my strategy for the biggest excuse to shop all year, is an achievement in itself, but knowing deep down that I don't even care -- now that's progress!

I blame this new found lack of interest on gratitude. You know the old quote... "Gratitude takes what we have and makes it enough" (or something to that effect)? It's amazing how well that works! Since practicing an attitude of gratitude, I've noticed just how much my daughter and I have. We both have enough clothes to avoid doing laundry for at least two weeks, (not that I've tested that theory). She has more toys that sit in her toy box, untouched, than I think I had throughout my entire childhood. The books are overflowing from the shelf and the stuffed animals have taken over my house. (They really have. Drive by on any given day and you're likely to see a couple sitting in the front window,  creepily watching you drive by.) My closet is stuffed to the gills with clothes and other crap that I don't seem to have a better place for. I keep telling myself that I need to get more organized,  but really, I need to stop aquiring shit!

Christmas has always been a great excuse to shop and the American economy loves to depend on our blind consumerism. I'm not here to try and talk anyone out of shopping on Thanksgivukkah or any time, for that matter. If that's what you want to do, go nuts. (Just please don't buy my kid any stupid plastic junk or Rainbow Loom bracelet makers. I will have to hurt you.)

Maybe some of us need to think about what we and our loved ones already have. I know I need to keep reminding myself to be thankful for what I already have, even if there's something better out there. There's always going to be something better. I think it's probably best that I save my upgrades for life circumstances, instead of electronics. I'd much rather be looking for ways to improve my life, than running up my credit card bill to aquire more shit that doesn't make me happy.


  1. I'm a recovering aquisitioner myself. The "pack-rat" gene thrives in an environment where creativity is abundant. The constant struggle againt "IKICUTS" or "I Know I Can Use That Someday" is very daunting. It's only deep self-dicipline that keeps it under control. I appluade you efforts!

  2. Thanks, Chris! Both of my Grandpas were pack rats and although I wouldn't say my grandma was a pack rat, she certainly suffered from the "IKICUTS", as does my mom. I think their childhoods, never having a lot, were what caused that. I have no excuse, other than learned behavior and abundant creativity. ;) Ah well... glad I'm not alone.
