Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'm having an angry day. There's nothing in particular that is the cause of my anger... just a series of little things that have come to a greasy, plump head of a rage-riddled pimple in the center of my life. And I can't ignore it. I've been trying to pop this boil of wrath all day.

No luck.

Everything is extremely irritating to me today. Landlords and Baby Daddies, topping the list.     I've decided that there's no way I can be on top of my game today. It just isn't gonna happen. I won't apologize for it either. I'm allowed to have a shitty day, even if my repressors don't think so. I will also have sn unapologetic glass of wine if I feel like it... except there's no wine in the house. Now I'm even more irritated!

Gratitude. That's the thing that is supposed to take presidence at a time like this. If I just focus on what I'm thankful for, I won't be in such a funk. Oh, but really... I'm crabby. Do I have to do this? Fine.

You only get 10 things, because even ten is going to be hard for me right now, when I'd love to punch someone in the throat.

1. My car - which gets excellent gas mileage for those times when I can easily justify leaving the house to just aimlessly drive. I promise I won't go over a bridge.

2. Thanksgiving Leftovers - this bitch is not cooking today. Heat up some turkey and I don't care if you're sick of it.

3. Other people's comitments - get them out if my face. Ok, that's not fair...
3(b). Alone time - helps me decompress and get my serenity back.

4. My kid - because it can be really hard to circle the drain with a pair of sparkling blue eyes staring up at me in anticipation.

5. 4-day weekends - even though this particular one is almost over. I had a decent run and any series of consecutive days that I don't have to go to work is a damn good thing.

6. Work - because I know there are plenty of people who would be happy to have my job. I'm not complaining about work really... it could be so much worse.

7. Being the only tenants in the house for a week - it's going to be quiet and I can appreciate quiet and the taste of what it might feel like to be the only ones living in our home. Some day.

8. Business trips - they give me a much-needed break from the people on said trips.

9. Friends - my silver lining. I have great friends that look out for me and love me, even when I'm a crab-ass. Love you guys!

10. My 12-step program - it gives me the tools I never learned on my own.

Ok... so I feel a little better. I guess the gratitude list worked. Turkey is warming in the oven and a warm shower has my name on it. It's going to be an interesting week and I have a couple things to look forward to. I'm gonna ride that wave for now...

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